Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Life Happens

I have not posted for several days due to computer wars...or better know as the only computer that is working at the time is mine. My DS who got a laptop for his birthday last year is now laptopless because the hard drive had a painful death...and my DH who usually uses the computer at night when I go to work has decide that he needs to use it as soon as he comes home from a Hard Days Work...so between them that left me out of the computer using... But I sat back and waited for the right time to get the computer back and change all the pass words..hehehe. They came to me not knowing what had happened, so I sweetly said that I would put the pass words back if they would remember that I too needed time on the computer...I quess that just drop me out of the running for Mother of the Year, and Wife of the Year....but what can I say everyone has a little devil in them..hehehe..

1 comment:

Timaree said...

That is so perfect. Nothing like a gentle reminder that mom counts too!